Refund Policy

New users are eligible for a full money-back refund policy in the first three days of purchase if the server is down due to technical issues from our side.

Before you buy, be sure to request a trial account. We have set up a trial account so that you can test it and if you are not satisfied, do not buy a long-term service.

If your internet speed is slow, you will not be able to see and use our IPTVERSE services and then request a refund.

The big IPTVERSE team is always ready to respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and if you can't set up the IPTVERSE service on the devices you have for any reason, it won't include refunds. Please see and learn the necessary tutorials on setting up IPTV.

If your account expires 7 days later, the refund request will not be accepted.

Any disputed payment will result in an immediate account termination even if the dispute is resolved in our favor, and refund after a dispute will take more than 30 Days to be processed, so please contact us directly for a faster refund.

IPTVPromotions Team.


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